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    UNIT 6 Managing Successful Business | Continental Consulting Limited

    University: Regent college

    • Unit No: 6
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 15 / Words 3707
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code:
    • Downloads: 929
    Question :

    Questions: This project is based on following questions

    • What are the project aims, objectives and timeframes on the chosen theme?
    • What is the small scale research, data collection and information gathering in order to support the project?
    • Provide relevant recommendations on the basis of conclusion presented from findings and analysis.
    • What is the value derived from conducting the project and the usefulness of it for supporting sustainable performance of business?
    Answer :


    Digital technology is transforming the way of doing business in this dynamic world. It includes all types of all type of electronic equipment and applications that simplifies the activities. The effective planning and business control is helpful in successful and growth of company. The different digital tools are used by companies in order to assist effective control. The Continental Consulting Limited, UK is selected for better understanding of this concept. The aims and objectives of company is being discussed in this report. Apart from this a project management plan has been developed for company. As the work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart is being prepared in report. To meet aims and objectives of company qualitative and quantitative research is being done in this report. The evaluation of research and certain recommendations is being made on the basis of data. Along with this, own learning and performance is being reflected in this.

    TASK 1

    P1. Project aims and objectives

    The company Continental Consulting Limited is medium size firm which delivers the business research and consultancy services in various area of London, UK. Apart from this, it provides Business Process Re engineering Services to small and medium size manufacturing businesses around the London and Greater London. The main focus of this organisation is to assign fittings workers for their customers (Nicholad and Stevvn, 2017). Continental Consulting Limited was established eight years ago with a pre set goal to improve their effectiveness and efficiency, to come up with new innovation in the business. The innovation is very important to sustain in the business. As technology is changing day by bay and it gets obsolete with changing time. This stage will helps the business to overcome its competitors and meets the customers requirements and needs. The advance technology like Tweepi, Oktopost, Tag Board and Crowd booster can be used and applied at various stages so company can extend and develop their business operations. The electronic devices like computer and laptop will allow firm to their business with use of social media.

    The topic of this project:

    “The impact of digital technology supporting small business growth and innovation”

    In this given scenario, the innovation plays an important role in the development of business. The computerized modernism empowers a business to learn and apply various mechanism and process which could impact their job like contenders, advertise power and demand etc. As these system helps company to identify the demand of customers and then by applying these system one can fulfil demand of customers.

    The primary aim of report is: “The impact of social media as digital technology supporting small business growth and innovation”

    The main objective of this assessment report is to identify how social media is helpful in small and medium scale organisation like Continental Consulting Limited to accomplish its objectives.

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    Important Research Objectives:

    • To apply the social media tools in regular business activity of continental consulting limited.
    • To improve the quality of administration by applying social media instruments.
    • To find out the different associated to company through social media techniques (Morish and Gerladi, 2011).

    Crucial Research Questions:

    • How digital adaptation strengthen the development of medium scale enterprises.
    • What would be possible changes in the firm after adaptation of digital instruments.
    • How social media tools can be helpful in discovering various service related to consultancy.

    P2. Produce a project management plan which covers aspect of cost, scope, time, quality, communication and resources

    Project is for temporary time period, which has definitive time and resources to complete the projects. Project management includes planning and organizing of a company's resources to carry out a specific and particular task. This includes the resources like personnel, finances, technology and intellectual property. As there is process for project management, planning, initiation, execution, monitoring and closing involve in process of management of project. The project management plan involve many elements such as scope, cost, risk, communication, quality and time. The elements are described below:


    The scope is present and future opportunity or possibility of any technique in the organisations. So in order to implement social media or digital technology in business, it is important to find out their scope both for present and future. The digital media technology technology has broader scope for the Continental Consulting Limited as it will allow the employees of company to reach the targeted clients and customers easily with less cost. This will help the employees to communicate information about new tools and techniques to their clients and customers promptly. This helps the companies to achieve their goal in within given time period.


    Cost is the price which is incurred by the companies to produce goods and services and to acquire new technology for the business operations. Cost plays an important role in performing project related activities. The Continental Consulting Ltd deals in re-engineering business system of business is situated in London. To update the technology or to acquire the new technology it requires a huge finance for company. As to introduce social media technology in business of Continental Consulting Ltd. Needs a huge cost so they need to prepare proper budget for that particular project. Budget will help company to delegate fund accordingly. A forecasted cost budget for the company is shown below:

    Total Forecasted Budget


    Amount in £

    Acquiring cost of technology


    Implementation cost


    Advertisement cost


    Training cost of employees


    Total Cost


    The forecasted budget shows that, technology would cost around GBP 37500 to the company.


    The completion of project within given time is very important. As if it completed after time limit then the project would not be much effective. If the project is completed within given time limit then it brings satisfaction in work and maximize the output (Peppet, 2014). The management of Continental Consulting Ltd should motivate and direct their employees for performing the task within given time limit. The deadlines allows the workers to come up with innovative way to complete given task within stipulated time period.


    Quality is primary and considerable factor of any task. The quality work is accepted and praised by clients and increase customer satisfaction. The management of Continental Consulting Ltd should direct their employees and workers to give quality performance while completing the task. As quality can helps company to gain more market share in market and overcome their competitors. The social media technology can be helpful in better communication with clients and then accordingly provide quality of service according to their need.


    Risk is associated with every business which affects the outcome of that projects. Before starting any project, management of Continental Consulting Ltd. Should identify the risk according to project nature. The risk related with project activities includes the lack of finances, lack of supporting employees and lack of proper planning in implementation of project plans. The management of company should provide the training to their employees about their new technology so they can easily adapt the technology.


    Communication is very important to complete the any kind of project on time. The communication is a medium to exchange information and understanding of information. The communication gap in various level of management could lead to failure of projects. And this can effect the quality of project activities. So it is important to have a proper channel of communication at different level of management to overcome the risk of failure of project activities. The all plans and process should be well communicated to the team for successfully completion of projects (Drucker, 2012).

    P3. Work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart that provide time-frame and stages

    The Work Break Down chart is a table which contains the which contains the significant work related task and activities of business operations which are illustrated to represent the relationship among each workers and project as a whole. The chart mainly focuses on the providing important information which helps project manager to predicts the outcomes based on various scenarios. So the important decisions can be taken about procedure should be followed or not. The mission group of Continental Consulting Limited has made with split divergence of project with a set goal to differentiate practical and intend and objectives. This exercise will improve the management skills of users and it will give a clear picture of projects that what targets that has to be achieve. This WBS system assist an company by providing options to differentiate customers formation and demands. This strategy will also assist the company to take better judgement and strategies for the accomplishment of their essential objective which can be helpful in business expansion and development (Boniface, 2013). These work breakdown charts are made on the base of aim and objectives of business which is explained below:

    • Main objective and aim of research
    • Narrative re-evaluate
    • Conflicts which are featured by organization
    • Intend of investigator
    • Choice of Target
    • Shaping of appropriate plans
    • Figuring and pass decisions on collected data

    Continental Consulting Limited is a small and medium sized organisation which wants to set up an agreement to apply their innovative device like collection of information and data in electronic format so they can compete in the market. The member of technology department within the company has organised research that have some questions with respect to outcome of innovation which is implemented in business organisations. For this 35 personal has been selected for this research. It includes the teenagers, youth and college students.

    This assessment provides the data to organisation management with aim that systems could be designed. The all activities of research needs a definitive time period so task can be finished. The consultancy has chosen polling method as a source of research.

    The above Gantt chart shows the stipulated time for completing the work. As it can be seen that literature is being planned to complete in 5 days which is based on task 2. and Research Methodology is being supposed be completed in 12 days which is based on task 2 and 3. the Gantt chart is a graphical representation of the particular task schedule. This shows the data in bar chart which displays opening and closing date of various project management which are useful in planning a project and defining the sequences of activity that need conclusion (Pekuri and, 2014). As per the above information and data, a Gantt chart is prepared for the Continental Consultancy Limited that help in scheduling, managing and monitoring different activities of project is shown below:

    The essential defines the way to achieve the substance and defines the series in which tasks are passed out and performed further. The most crucial part remains related with determine way and set up the greatest time bound for performing activities. The critical path for above business plan is being discussed below:

    TASK 2

    P4. Small scale research by implementation qualitative and quantitative research

    To gather information and collect the data there are basically two types of main sources which are discussed below:

    Primary Data:

    Primary data are called first hand data and they are fresh data which is directly collected from respondents (Fisher, 2011). The managers acquire information from respondents without any false result. The data are collected through interview, survey and questionnaire.

    Secondary Data:

    In this data are collected through the Articles, magazines and from applied research. This provides the second hand data to researcher.





    Q1. Will social media be helpful in for Continental Consulting Ltd to expand their business?

    A) Yes

    B) No

    Q2. Which social media app were helpful for company to maximise the profits?

    a) Facebook

    b) Twitter

    c) Instagram

    d) other app

    Q3. In what way social media tool will be helpful?

    a. Minimising Defects

    b. Optimise use of resources

    Q4. Do it necessary for employees to provide training for digital technology

    a. Yes

    b. No

    Q5. Does technology helpful in cut down workload in company?

    a. Yes

    b. No

    Q6. What is the barrier for company to choose technology for business operations?

    a) Cost

    b) Conflict

    c) Time

    Q7) Did social media help to remove communication barrier in Continental Consulting Ltd?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q8. Does digital technology is helpful in achieving high profitability for Continental Consulting Ltd?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q9. Is there any requirement to promote the employees to exploit digital technology in company

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q10. Give the own advice to handle challenges after utilising social media tool.

    Q1. Will social media be helpful in for Continental Consulting Ltd to expand their business?






    From the above graph, it can be said that 25 respondents which shows company should execute the technology. And 10 believes company should not implement this tools.

    Q2. Which type of social media tools contribute highest in the growth and development of Continental Consulting Ltd?

    a) Facebook


    b) Oktopost


    c) Tagboard


    d) Twitter E-commerce



    As it can be seen that wireless technology is most contributing according to 12 personals. And 10 people think that e-commerce would be helpful in success of company.

    Q3) What will the helpful result received by Consultancy Ltd. after acceptance of social media tools in business process?

    • Enhancing overall performance 


    • Minimising defects


    • Optimise uses of resources



    The 12 respondents think that the defect would be minimised after implication of digital technology. As 10 respondent think that overall organisation performance would increase.

    Q4) Are there any necessities to spend the funds in induction and development programs for employees to work on exploiting the digital technology?






    According to 23 people, when new technology applied in organisation then it is necessary to give training to existing employees so that they can adapt technology. And rest say there is no need to spend any extra amount on training of employees. 

     Q5)Does digitalisation conveys behind the work pressure of the employees working within Continental Consulting Ltd?






    According to 28 persons that digitalisation would be helpful in the reducing the work load of employees. And it will have positive impact in an organisation. The respondent say it will not have positive effect.

    Q7). Is Digitalisation participating a fundamental role in attainment goods and services of Continental Consultancy Ltd. to targeted customers?






    The 19 respondents thinks that digitalisation will be helpful in the meeting customer requirement.

    Q8) Digitalisation play a vital role to achieve the high profitability and sustainability of Continental Consulting Ltd








    The 32 individual thinks that the digitalisation would be helpful in achieving the profit for 

    Q9. Does Digitalisation help out Continental Consultancy Ltd. to preserve superior relation with the targeted clients or not?






    As 27 thinks that it would be helpful in maintaining superior relation with the customer. And 8 respondents say it will not be helpfull.

    P6 Recommendations as a result of research and data.

    Continental Consulting Limited is a standard size organization which is engage in giving advisory and recruitment services to tiny and medium enterprise in London. The administration of business has decided to apply digital tools for effectively operations of their business activities. So, to implement these tools, supervisor of corporation has concentrated on an inspection utilizing review. The main objective of this consultancy firm is to provide the quality of products and services to their customers and attract more number of customers. (Porter, 2012). From the above research, it has been observed that, different type of origin source should be operated to assertion answerable and valuable data. The main point and aim of the research should be clear and concise so company can find out the valuable outcome and result of that research. It has been suggested that tiny company should set up computerized innovation tools such as synchronised information structure used to provide detail mix information regarding every assignment, digital equipment have tremendous benefits for small scale organisation firm which helps corporations in advance regarding their company action and if necessary this can be manage by including little payment. Upper hand and profit maximisations are extra benefits of superior innovations.

    TASK 4

    P7 Reflect on the value of undertaking the research.

    Although directing the assessment, management authorities have gone through different issues in a range of insight. Modest expediency of foundation like The Computer Misuse Act 1990, General Data Protection Regulation effect character of my survey results, for the reason that of, due to less time i have selected only 35 individual respondents. To manage that trouble and generate appropriate task creation was the standard point of assessment and inspection and to accomplish that I had chosen smaller amount evaluation of in close proximity time and cash. From the questionnaire system I have chosen survey procedure in which 10 questions were selected from 35 people in order to affect from superior innovation on our company (Peppet, 2014). To one side from survey tools, I have moreover utilized mixture of supporting well springs of investigate. For example, regular news papers, articles and books which assist me to collect data and other information about digital equipments.

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    In the conclusion it can be said the digital technology plays an important role in development of a successful business. To sustain in this competitive business environment company should come up with new business ideas. As new technology requires the time, cost, quality etc., so companies should analyse all these elements so that they can implement new technology effectively in company. The companies should prepare the chart to complete their task within given time period. The company should do a primary research before acquiring technology to know how it will be helpful for business. As customers and clients should be their respondents because it will helpful in satisfying their needs only.

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